Monday, April 28, 2008

Toilet Training in Progress...

We bought a potty at first a couple of months ago, hoping to train our boy to wee wee & poo poo whenever we are free to do so. But he never seems to like the idea of sitting onto the potty for long and so far he only succeded a few times. As time is running out, I urged hubby to start the toilet training by urinating in the standing up position first. At least he can teach our boy the proper way of urinating (after all I'm a female, right!), because everytime the urinate will drip onto his legs.

Few days ago, we went to Carrefour and bought a smaller toilet seat (portable and able to put on top of the adult toilet seat) for him. There were quite a few designs, got padded ones, got those normal plastic ones, got plain designs, got cartoon designs (of course, we bought the most basic & simple type for him, nothing fanciful) Although we don't train him everyday, but whenever he wants to shit, we will quickly bring him to the toilet seat. He succeeded a few times by pooing & urinating into the toilet bowl. Hopefully, he will continue to keep up the good work....!

I was browsing thru the internet and saw these very cute kids toilet seat covers, quite useful for parents when they bring their children out to public toilet. I know public toilets are contaminated with germs and bacteria and many parents are using the disinfectant wipes...etc. This cab be another option for parents beside using those wipes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    It is really a very challenging task for us moms to toilet train our toddlers. I have written some tips on how to toilet train toddlers. Check it out.

