One month ago, I received a call from a long lost fren (Serene) & asked me whether I could attend her wedding dinner. Come to think of it, it's been so long since the last time I went to this kind of function. In school, I'm only closer to certain click of frens & we keep in touch once in a blue moon to remind each other that we are still "alive"...haha! Anyway, my hb was busy with work & in the end I met up with my ex-shatec classmates by myself. Although it was just a few of us, but it was fun to gather again & chit chat nonsense with each other. 

Above from left: Mandy with her 17th month old daughter, Serene the beautiful bride.
Below from left: Kimberly the guai guai girl, Joey the Mahjong Queen, Fidelia the joker plus myself.
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