I've been trying to help YQ to quit the habit of sucking on the pacifier, the reason why I want to help her first is becoz she sleeps in my room at night. As for YS, I will start on him gradually during the weekend. Can't imagine myself having have to handle 2 crying kiddos asking for their "chu chu".
YQ cold turket treatment progress:
1st Night - I lied to her that I lost her "chu chu" (pacifier), so I tried to calm her down by doing some massage on her till she fell asleep. Next morning, she was crying non-stop & kept asking her bro & ah ma for it throughout the whole morning. My mum who was too soft hearted to see her cry eventually gave it back to her. She was so delighted to see it & went back to sucking till she slept in the afternoon.
2nd Night - I hid her pacifier again & told her that I could not find her "chu chu", she threw her temper & refused to sleep. Again, I used the massage method to coax her but not effective on her anymore. After I scolded her, she went back to sleep. Woke up in the middle & threw her temper again, went back to sleep after a while. In the morning, she cried for her pacifier again, and her kind hearted kor kor went to find it for her again...sigh!
I will continue this treatment on her for a few more days and will update again!
I was browsing on the internet for solutions on how to help kiddo to kick off the habit, this website gave me some ideas if any of it does not work.
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