One of the things which I do not wish to happen to YS has happened! He was having very bad cough & fever for the past few days, I had a bad feeling about this & asked my mum to bring him to see Doc Ong. Doc Ong called me on my mobile & told me patiently about YS's condition...his wheezing sound is quite bad and he needs to be on medication & puff for the time being until his cough condition stabilised. He advised me on the package which I can take up for asthma consultation.
Lots of questions were flashing through my brain & dh was away on a biz trip for a month to Argentina. I was unable to get hold of him at that timing so decided to base on my instinct to make the decision. I agreed to take up the package seeing that YS will need more consultation & medication in the long run. It will be more economical for me as I just need to fork out $100+ and the remaining $300 will be deduct from my medisave.
Poor boy, I dunno whether his condition is due to hereditary factor or external factors. Now I have to watch his diet very carefully & has to make sure the surrounding is dust free if possible to prevent any asthma attack. Probably, I will need to enrol him for swimming class to strengthen his lung.
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