Friday, December 17, 2010

Primary 1 Anxiety Attack

YS is not going to Primary School next year but in 2012, why am I feeling so stress now? I really don't know, probably being a "Singaporean" really has the kiasu feeling in our heart somewhere out there. For the past one year, been trying to tell myself not to worry too much and we will decide when the time comes. But sometime in July 2011, we really has to sit down and discuss about the boy's education.

Since this year, many people has started to ask me "which school is YS going to enrol into?"..."why?"....blah blah blah. Which I really can't be bothered to answer actually. Dh & myself have different views about our kids' education but in the end I still leave the decision up to him. My only wish is to hope that YS can cope with the school work & be happy in what he does in school.

Out of curiosity, I went online to search for some info on the registration exercise in Singapore schools.

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