Wednesday, March 13, 2013

BFF = Best Friend Forever

YQ has best friends & she has been telling me what her best friends said to her, did with her or gave her stuff in the school. She is enjoying every moment with her 2 best friends & told me that she will be sad she might not be studying in the same Primary school as them next year...

When one of her best friends gave her a "love" note, she was beaming with joy & showed it to me the moment I picked her up from the school.

I remembered I was so close to my BFF during Secondary school days that we hung out together almost everyday after school. Took our lunch together before we went home, talked on the phone for a few hours & even skipped school a few times together (yes...I was that rebellious last time). We were so close that my mum misunderstood that we were in an "unusual" relationship *laughed*. It was kinda funny when I recalled it back & I almost went to enrol to the same university that she was studying in Perth. Anyway, I did not enrol myself into the same university due to my mum's objection & we hardly kept in touch that often. Occasionally, we still keep in touch via FB & glad that she is now happily married with 2 kids, living the taitai life she deserved in Indonesia.

Linking up to:
My Little Drummer Boys


  1. some of the best friendships are formed in school :) I'm still close to some friends from primary school and so glad to have them with me throughout the years!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

  2. Good to know that she has a BFF hope they can remain in touch throughout.

  3. I just love it when my girl's friends make her little cards, it makes my day! Emily

  4. It is lovely when they have friend that are bffs. Great photo
