Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our Mini Underwater World Collection

Hb is a fan of fishes, he can sit there for ages just by looking at his fishes. So as a wife, I have to be involved at times whenever he's not free to take care of them. It's kinda interesting to see how they fight for their territories and food. His collection of fishes is getting bigger each time he buy something from the fish shop. We have clown fishes, snappers, eel and mini shark (well..I can't remember the actual name) but I hope he don't go and bring back a stingray one day to add to his fish tank.

Linking up to:

My Little Drummer Boys


  1. They're very relaxing to watch, and looks like you have a good collection.

  2. what a great mini collection. We don't have much luck with fish in my house.

  3. Cute little underwater world Collection. They say looking at a fish tank is great for relaxation :)

  4. I have friends with lots of fish and some with 2 metre long tanks!! And others that eat other fish. You are a good wife to enjoy his hobby also :) Emily

  5. Thats pretty awesome! I've often thought about getting fish but I know it would be me looking after them and I'm just not sure if I have the time xxx

  6. I love your clown fish. I'd like some fish in a tank, we had them growing up.

  7. Beautiful collection! Where's the mini shark?? Your tank must be pretty big :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

    1. Ai, the actual name for the shark is lover shark. You can see that in the first picture with long tail & stripes. Anyway, we bought another lover shark to add to the family over the weekend so that they won't feel so lonely anymore :)
