Wednesday, December 11, 2013

School Carnival + Graduation Day

The day before we went for YQ's graduation day, my little girl told me that I would feel so touched by her performance and might even cry. To get myself prepared, I really brought a packet of tissue paper along with me :)

YQ felt sad when she knew that her English teacher was leaving the school soon. She was definitely one of my favourite educators from that school and I admired her patience and passion in her teaching.

After an hour of carnival play, all the children and parents were ushered to a bigger place and waited for the performances to start. Its unbelievable how time flies and now my 2nd born has graduated from kindergarten. I'm sure she will miss all her friends and teachers!

Their favourite teacher...

Getting ready for their performance

Getting ready to take pictures

Congratulations to all the K2!

Just for fun! Comparing my girl (on the left) and my (on the right) graduation photo :)

Linking up to:

My Little Drummer Boys


  1. These photos are so adorable! I love that the kids had graduation gowns and caps - we don't do that in Australia, but I wish we did - it must give the graduation a real sense of ceremony and make the kids feel really special. I love it that your daughter warned you that you might cry at her performance ... so sweet :)

  2. I too would cry a tear when I attend my kid's graduation ceremony. It seem that only yesterday when they were babies and now they are so big already :)

  3. Carbon copy!!!!! Congrats on her graduation. A new milestone reached! ;)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. I'm such a softie almost cried imagining I was there, there is something about small children at Xmas time that makes me happy/sad x Emily

  5. Oh so similar those photos, how adorable. Kids graduations always bring a tear :)

  6. Very sweet and sentimental occasion to remember.
