Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The BIG Move!

Finally the move was over, I felt so relieved that we managed to squeeze everything (from collecting the key to minor renovation to moving in) within a month! Of course, I was not referring moving to another country (although I secretly wished that we could). Moving from one part to the other part of Singapore was enough to give me sleepless nights. Having said that, the wait for more than 2 years to collect the key to the new home was kind of a torture. Enough of my ramblings here.

Its been almost a week since we moved here and we are more of less getting used to the routine and life here. The area of the house is definitely smaller than what we used to live in and we are trying very hard to declutter all the unwanted stuff away slowly. The children are having quite a bit of fun going for their night swims and I'm trying to get used to the heat in the house (since the sunlight are shining into our area during daytime).

Upon collecting of keys, we were told to prepare some salt & rice (mixed together in a plastic bag) and scattered in all corners of the house. It was suppose to absorb all the negative energies in the house and we could only clean up the mess the next day.

I'm just glad we managed to get the house ready before moving in on the auspicious date. We managed to get some of these stuff prepared for the "ritual" before moving into the new house. I don't really know the meaning of doing all these but we just blindly follow what elders told us to do.
1) Walk over the burning fire (we used charcoals & charcoal stove)
2) Roll the pineapple into the house & said "Ong Lai...Ong Lai...Huat Ah!"
3) Boil a kettle of water and prepare a pot of tea to drink

Do you have any moving house ritual you strictly believe or follow?

Linking up to:

My Little Drummer Boys


  1. I've heard some before but we didn't follow any strictly. House-moving can be so chaotic, but so exciting! Welcome to your new home.. hope you'll be sharing more pics too :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Thanks Ai, will try to put up post on some of my home reno part (hopefully soon) :)

  2. We did all that too! Burnt a fire from our old house and then brought it, STILL BURNING, to our new house!! I also remember scattering rice and beans in all corners of the house as well. And drinking a sweet drink that was prepared with the fire we brought over. And of course the Ong Lai and the HUAT AH!!! That was fun ;)

    Enjoy your new house!!!

    1. Yes...we did that part whereby we have to bring the stove of burning fire all the way from the old to the new house and I nearly got myself suffocated from breathing in too much CO2 :P

  3. Oh those are interesting rituals. Ones I've never heard of before. Sounds like you've settled in nicely to your new home :)
