Thursday, July 10, 2014

Reno Diary: Invisible Grille

It's been less than a month since we moved in and I have not finished sorting out some of the stuff at home yet. Just trying to take things slowly one at a time because I have been feeling under the weather recently & the adults at home are taking turns to fall ill :(

When we collected the keys to our home, the first issue we were very concerned was safety for our children at home. Since we are staying on higher floor, its impossible not to install safety grills because our children are at a stage whereby they may not be aware that certain actions is dangerous from our point of view.

After we have gathered and heard some reviews from friends & relatives, we decided to install the invisible grille all around our house. Yes! We were so worried about the danger that we actually installed on our balcony, bedrooms, toilet windows and the kitchen window. When we saw the finished product of the installation, we were very satisfied with the outcome. The invisible grille looked very presentable, anti-rust and safe. No more big chunky metal grilles that make the whole house looks like a "jail", yeah!

We engaged Invisible Grille to install the grilles for us. Initially I was told that this might take more than 1 day to finish the installation. In the end, they sent more workers to come over and everything was finished within a day. Their Supervisor was also around to oversee the workers' progress and make sure everything went smoothly. *Thumbs-up!* 

Before they put on those high-tension cables..

Everything was covered up nicely after the cables were tightened.

We can have a nice view while relaxing in our balcony area.

293 Changi Road
Singapore 419771
Tel: 6611 1333

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Hoping to know if there is any issue with the Invisible Grille installed, now that it has been there for almost 3 years. Rust? Cracks on concrete? Tension still strong? Any bad points that you may have discovered eventually after months/years post installation?

