This year we have been making a point to bring all our children to a themed cafe to celebrate their birthdays. You can check out my previous post here & the recent post here . When I heard another themed cafe closed down recently, I was searching for another alternative venue. As usual, I kept it a secret from all of them and they were so curious where we were bringing them to this time round.
As Charlie Brown Cafe was located in Cineleisure, they thought we were going for there for a movie treat initially. Guess my secret operation was a success again!

The entrance of the cafe.

Surprisingly, the menu offered a variety of choices for diners to choose from. As it is a halal cafe, there is no pork served in the cafe.

If you are celebrating your birthday and intend to bring a cake there to celebrate after the meal, make sure you buy your cake from a halal certified bakery shop. For our case, we bought a cake from Chateraise Patisserie (Japanese cake shop) and we were told the cake was not halal certified so they were unable to store the cake in their fridge. Plastic plates and utensils would be provided by them too.

Rootbeer float in their big Charlie Brown mug.

Hawaii Baked Rice

I can't remember the actual name of this dish, it's beef with spaghetti. Actually, this dish tasted quite yummy!

Grilled Salmon

Beef & Supreme Pizzas

The little boy could not stop sipping his Chocolate Frappe with Cream.

After the meal, feel free to pose with these cute and big figurines...

Remember to SMILE...

Everyone was feeling stuffed after our meal so we decided to bring the cake back home to celebrate instead.
As the usual saying goes, time really "no longer a little" boy has turned 12 this year. An important year for all the 12 years old children in Singapore, going through a phase of growth spurt, PSLE exam stress and uncertain which Secondary School to go to. At least, I hope with all his hardwork and my never ending nagging, he will be happy enough to go to a decent school he wish for at the end of the day.
Charlie Brown Cafe
Orchard Cineleisure
8 Grange Road #04-01
Singapore 239695
Tel: 6737 5979
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