Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What have we been up to so far...

With a child taking PSLE this year, my life seemed to be busier than usual. We have been focusing more on the eldest and sort of neglected the other two but luckily they did not give me too much headache. As the PSLE result is going to be out in 2 days time, YS is getting more anxious than anyone of us at home. Of course, what's done cannot be undone, the PSLE examination is over and all we can hope is that he is able to get into a school of his choice with whatever result he will be getting. What matters most is he has put in his best effort for this examination. 

This month, we welcomed a new member into the family, it was a joyous occasion whereby my brother in law finally married the love of his life. My kids were super duper excited because they were tasked to be the flower girl and page boys during the wedding march in.

Thanks to Baseasia, I received an invitation to watch The Sound of Music musical. It was a good chance to go on a date with the hub and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the casts performed those scenes from the actual movie. Surely brought back many memories for me as our group used to sing one of the songs during the school's talentine contest.

This month will be a busy period to visit open house from various secondary schools.'s better to do some background work before we decide on the school selection. So just an advice for all parents out there, it is advisable to bring your child to visit more open houses from Primary 5 onward. The earlier they visit these schools, they will have a clearer vision/mindset to work toward to their goals.

Of course, November is a special month for us to celebrate hb's birthday.

This is also the month whereby I was carless for about a week. We bade farewell to "xiao hong" and welcomed "xiao hui" into our lives. There is no reason for me to complaint because the car is slightly bigger and comfier than the previous one. On those days without the car, the kids were super excited to take public transport around with me. I guess when the novelty dies off, they won't feel the same way anymore..haha!

November is coming to an end soon so let's enjoy the final month of 2017 with a blast!

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